case studyCase study: Design Editor for Video StreamsThe post describes steps to build a video editor prototype for organizing video streaming from the browser. The idea Do you know that you…
case studyCase study: Image Labeling with JavaScriptNeed to label images to train a neural network? This post will describe how to design a system for labeling objects on an image by a human…
case studyCase study: Seats Reservation Widget with JavascriptDo you want to make a seat booking platform on your website? This post will describe steps to design a seat reservation system for music…
reactOptimizing React application with mobxFrom 1.5 sec to 50–100ms (per update) There is my short story about how I improved performance of the web-app by 10x with just a simple…
reactOptimizing react-redux store for high performance updatesLooking of help with react performance? Send me a message. Optimizing react-redux store for high performance updates How to structure your…
reactTips to optimise rendering of a set of elements in ReactLooking of help with react performance? Send me a message. Tips to optimise rendering of a set of elements in React There is a guide to…
reactUsing React With Canvas ElementHow to use React with canvas element? We have React that helps us to work with massive mutable DOM in a nice immutable functional style…